Australian grain leaders are calling on other growers and farm businesses to show generosity and donate a tonne of grain or more, to help support Ukraine farmers and rural communities.
The #AUSSIEGRAIN4UKRAINE initiative was established last year in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to give Australian grain producers a way of supporting their farming colleagues and communities facing the continuing challenges and horrors of war.
Grain Producers Australia’s farmer sub-committee member and WA grain producer, Brad Jones, said Australian growers have battled significant challenges, with record high input costs, flood damage and delayed harvest, to deliver a near record crop of about 62 million tonnes.

GPA Grower Director and Moree grain producer, Matthew Madden, donating grain at his local site.
This volume was equal to last year’s near record crop, with an estimated value of $27.5 billion.
Mr Jones said it had been a tough year for many grain producers in Australia, but it was nothing compared to the situation in Ukraine – and ultimately the returns have been rewarding.
With many growers now selling their harvested grains, he urged others to be generous and consider sparing a tonne or two by donating to #AUSSIEGRAIN4UKRAINE and help people in the Ukraine.
“We’re encouraging growers to be as generous as they can and donate to our fundraising appeal, to help raise funds for on-ground support and rebuilding communities devastated by this war. If each grower donates one tonne of grain, it will go a long, long way towards making a huge difference to the lives of other people facing consequences we can’t imagine here in Australia,” Mr Jones said.
Other Sub-committee members – SA farmer James Stacey, WA farmers, David Fulwood and Simon Wallwork and Market Analyst Andrew Whitelaw, urged other grains industry groups, and agribusinesses, to get behind the appeal and donate grain.
“We urge Viterra, CBH, GrainCorp and other grain handlers and traders to reach out and find a way of supporting this good cause; especially encouraging growers to donate grain,” Mr Fulwood said.
Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, met with members of GPA’s sub-committee last year to discuss #GRAIN4UKRAINE and thank them for supporting his people.
He said rebuilding Ukraine rural communities was a strategic priority, and Australian farmers are providing invaluable assistance to help deliver short and longer-term outcomes.
Australian grain producers can donate grain delivered from this year’s harvest via a dedicated Grower Delivery Card that’s registered to GPA (numbered 1500 4442), in the NGR system.
WA growers delivering to CBH must follow a different process in Loadnet.
Select “Nomination” menu and then “Transfer” from the drop-down menu
Then enter the GPA account number “40564635” into the “Account number box”
Choose load or part load to donate and confirm – then provides printable confirmation of transfer.
Four charities have been nominated by the sub-committee to deliver this humanitarian support.
· World to Rebuild Rural Ukraine program Oxfam International