Grain Producers Australia’s new national partnership to boost mental health awareness and suicide prevention among Australian farmers and rural communities will be officially launched with an online webinar event next week.
Australian cricketing legend and country born and raised Brad Hogg is the inaugural ambassador of GPA’s Farmer Mates Mental Health program.

Brad will speak about this exciting new initiative at the webinar next week, along with others involved in this new partnership.
GPA’s new mental health awareness initiative is being backed by a strong team featuring Lifeline, Rural Aid and Nufarm. This collaboration will help break-down some of the stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide, for farmers and other people in rural areas.
GPA will host a webinar with Brad to officially launch the new program on Wednesday 8 June, 2022 at 7pm-8pm (AEST). CLICK HERE to RSVP
Farmer Mates Mental Health website, media release and event dates CLICK HERE
Lifeline’s 24/7 telephone crisis support service is available on 13 11 14
Rural Aid’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Team intake line 1300 17 55 94 - Head Office 1300 327 624