You are invited to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Grain Producers Australia (GPA).
This year due to social distancing requirements we will be holding our AGM virtually. Whilst this will be challenging GPA hopes that the convenience of being able to simply log in and attend the meeting will make it easier for a larger number of members to attend the AGM.
Thursday 6 August 2020
1 pm AEST
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
Confirm GPA’s operations and finances,
Ask questions about the operations and finances of GPA,
Speak about any items on the agenda, and
Vote on any resolutions proposed.
At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:
Accept the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting,
Accept the annual report,
Accept the auditor's report,
Accept the annual financial statements,
Approve payment of the auditor,
Elect grower directors
Two (2) Directors for the Southern Region
One (1) Director for the Western Region
Yours sincerely
Andrew Weidemann AM
Grain Producers Australia