GPA Farmer Mates Mental Health ambassador Brad Hogg reminisces about growing up on a farm near Williams in country Western Australia, his cricket career and shares how he became involved in mental health awareness campaigns during a special guest appearance on the AgWatchers podcast, with hosts Andrew Whitelaw and Matt Dalgleish.
Brad also opened up about his own personal experiences with mental health, including isolation, self-doubt, alcohol abuse, loneliness, depression and the breakup of his marriage after he prematurely retired from cricket.
He spoke about the reaction from his family and friends after releasing his book in 2016, where he revealed that at his lowest ebb he had contemplated suicide.
“I was starting to get phone calls from mates, family, (asking) what’s all this about?” he said.
“They had no idea about it, because I covered it up so well. Every time I went out, I was that jovial person.”
During the podcast, the trio also compared notes about the similarities between sportsmen and farmers, and their tendency to push on or keep working to the detriment of their physical and mental health.
Brad recalls the family holiday was usually three days at the beach.
“Dad would just leave and go and feed the sheep for the day then come back that night,” he said.
“You know, he couldn’t leave the farm.”
To encourage Australian farmers to take a break to stay mentally and physically fit, fresh and healthy, GPA is offering holiday prizes valued at $5000. Enter here.
GPA's mental health awareness initiative is backed by a strong team of partners - Lifeline WA, Rural Aid and Nufarm - as well as supporting partners which include GrainGrowers and the GRDC.
Learn more about how you can help make a difference here.