A mining company with international ties to China will be acquiring 3000 hectares of Victorian farmland if the state government gives approval.
Farmers in the region are upset at being told their land would be compulsorily acquired, despite the Victorian Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny stating reviews were still underway.
ABC Online spoke to a number of farmers affected, including Grain Producers Australia's Southern Region Director and local grower Andrew Weidemann, who said he was worried mining in the region would contaminate crops grown in the area.
"There are only two or three really strong zones in Australia where you can grow lentils," he said. Â
Mr Weidemann, who is on the Avonbank mine's advisory committee, said the mine would be located near key lentil growing areas, grain exporting facilities and an agricultural college.
"You couldn't have picked a worse spot even if you tried," he said.