Proposed regulatory changes to how farmers can use paraquat and diquat would be detrimental to many farming systems reliant on no-till practices.
This is according to Grain Producers Australia RD&E Spokesperson Andrew Weidemann who spoke to ACM following the announcement by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

He said growers using minimum till systems used paraquat and glyphosate in combination to control weeds and without those options, there was potential for overuse of glyphosate that could lead to resistance issues.
"Glyphosate is the backbone of the production systems that grow our grain crops, however the reality is glyphosate resistant weeds are a major problem on many thousands of Australian farms," he said.
"To control these hard-to-control weeds, or prevent the evolution of weed resistance, Australian farmers depend on paraquat and diquat herbicides."