New digital stewardship training and reporting are being introduced in order to support best-practice application of ZP50 mouse bait products to enhance grains industry productivity and sustainability.
Grain Producers Australia (GPA) Southern Director, Andrew Weidemann AM, said the new processes have been implemented as part of an application to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), to extend GPA’s industry emergency use permit (PER90799).
“This permit was first delivered in May last year at the height of the mouse plague following industry collaboration, supported by targeted GRDC investment for growers and CSIRO research,” he said.
“This supported growers with timely access to the new ZP50 mouse bait product, supplied by the manufacturers included on this permit, which provides a double dose of zinc phosphide.

“With mice numbers still being reported in many grain producing regions, growers are continuing to demand this product as an important crop protection option, to prevent crop damage and losses.”
Mr Weidemann said with the support of mouse bait suppliers, GPA applied for an extension of the permit that’s now been approved, to ensure this ongoing product demand can be met.
He said the new training and reporting processes had satisfied the APVMA’s requirements for permit holders to provide them with evidence of users complying with the permit conditions.
“In meeting the APVMA’s requirements, GPA has coordinated the design and implementation of this new stewardship training and reporting processes, in GPA Training,” he said.
“The APVMA has now approved a one-year extension of the permit, starting on 1 January 2023, allowing growers continued access to ZP50 products, and the benefits it delivers.
“Anyone seeking to purchase ZP50 products sold and supplied under APVMA Permit PER90799, from 1 January 2023, need to complete this training and meet the product-use reporting requirements.
“Once growers and applicators have completed this training online, they’ll receive a certificate which will need to be shown to retailers to enable them to sell ZP50 products, supplied under this permit.
“Retailers are required to ensure product users are familiar with the permit requirements. These new processes will help satisfy the APVMA’s requirements and improve on-farm practices, ultimately supporting the productivity and sustainability of growers and our industry.”
GPA Northern Director, Matthew Madden, said mouse management – especially monitoring mice activity in paddocks – remained an important activity for growers heading into the new year.
He said the permit extension, and meeting the new training and reporting requirements, will help growers maintain access to an important crop protection option, to help prevent economic losses.
“The training will provide growers with expert advice on the most effective ways to use mouse bait, the importance of monitoring and record keeping, how to minimise impacts on non-target animals, the safe application of bait and disposal of unused bait and empty containers,” he said.
“This stewardship training and industry permit form part of GPA’s strategic aims, working with industry stakeholders on initiatives and innovations to boost grower productivity and sustainability.
“This includes strategic objectives that help to improve resource management, market access, and product integrity, with a focus on the correct use of agricultural pesticides.”
ZP50 Stewardship Training and Reporting Frequently Asked Questions HERE
GPA Training HERE