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THE Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre’s fourth batch of seasonal update videos for 2022 highlight the impacts – both good and bad – of the continuing La Nina conditions.

Mild spring conditions have set up crops in most regions for a big harvest, with growers expecting good yields and grain quality.

For growers in southern NSW and northern Victoria however, it’s been a case of too much of a good thing. Heavy rain and flooding has taken the shine off what should have been another bumper year.

AEGIC’s monthly videos feature grain producers from across the nation speaking about the progress of their production programs during the growing season, and come with subtitles in eight languages.

The videos are made by AEGIC in collaboration with organisations from across the Australian grains supply chain, including support from GPA, to provide insights for export customers and grain buyers.

Eastern region

Grain crops in many areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales are looking promising and growers are expecting good yields and grain quality they prepare for harvest.

Unfortunately, severe wet weather and flooding in southern New South Wales and Victoria caused concern for growers in October and there’s been some crop damage in affected areas.

Fiona Marshall, from Rennie in the NSW Riverina, said canola and barley yields were expected to be cut by half after 140mm of rain fell on ripening crops.

“Our wheat seems to be the only winner in these conditions,” she said. “The crops are filling well and seem to be coping very well with the moisture.”

It’s not all bad news though, with many growers hopeful of a good finish as the weather allows.

Soil moisture is very high across most growing areas and the Bureau of Meteorology’s three-month outlook shows a relatively high chance of above average rainfall.

Southern region

Growers in South Australia have smiles on their faces as they prepare for the harvest period.

Rainfall has been excellent across the state and many crops already had enough water by mid-October.

The absence of frost, heat and wind has benefited crops and growers are now hoping for sunny and dry weather as they get ready for what is expected to be a big harvest.

Western region

Conditions in many areas of Western Australia have been close to perfect as growers prepare for harvest.

Temperatures were mild, and most farms have emerged from the frost risk period unscathed. It’s looking increasingly likely that Western Australia will produce another large harvest.

Soil moisture remains favourable in many areas, and three-month rainfall outlook shows a 50:50 chance of above average rainfall in most areas.

After a dry start to the season, the Geraldton Zone has continued to recover extremely well.

Most growers are experiencing an excellent finish to the season and harvest is already underway in some areas.


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