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Our nation’s biosecurity system is in the spotlight for National Biosecurity Week from August 26-30, but for Grain Producers Australia, this critical issue remains a priority every day of the year. 

Australia's 22,500 grain producers work tirelessly each day to safeguard the country's biosecurity, playing a crucial role in protecting the environment. 

GPA Chair and Western Australian grain producer Barry Large said biosecurity management activities are often second nature to those working in agriculture.  

“Producers monitor and control pests, weeds and diseases as a constant part of what they do and they rely on the rest of the country doing the same in order to protect the Australian way of life,” he said. 

“Australian grain producers take biosecurity extremely seriously – that’s why we commit significant amounts of money through compulsory levies to support stronger biosecurity protections and RD&E 



“These levies deliver shared economic, social and environmental benefits.” 


A key component of the grains industry’s commitment to a strong biosecurity system is illustrated in the newly launched Biosecurity Plan for the Australian Grains Industry. 

This initiative will deliver a range of targeted activities and investments to further safeguard the $32 billion industry. 

Developed by Plant Health Australia in collaboration with industry leaders and biosecurity experts, including GPA, more than 1,300 different plant pests and disease threats have been identified and activities for proactive action have been detailed and funded. 

“Every Australian needs to know what good biosecurity practices involve and why simple actions can go a long way to protecting us all,” Mr Large said. 

“Making yourself aware of biosecurity responsibilities and risks while travelling in Australia or overseas is just one way we can all contribute. 

“GPA urges everyone to know how they can play a part in protecting our biosecurity system.” 




GPA takes biosecurity seriously, as part of our long-standing representative responsibilities and advocacy for Australian grain producers and our $13 billion industry. 


GPA’s responsibilities representing levy-paying grain producers on biosecurity fall under federal legislation as a signatory to the Emergency Pest Plant Response Deed and as a member of Plant Health Australia, since 2004. 


The GPA Biosecurity Committee plays an important role servicing these responsibilities and duties, providing expert advice and information to inform national policy development.  

The Committee promotes communication, engagement and advocacy to support these processes and enable outcomes that help strengthen biosecurity protections and management for Australian grain producers.   

Further information: 




Further Information: 


GPA Chair Barry Large – 0427 549 023 



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