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Grain Producers Australia

Committed to the representation of growers on issues directly affecting the future of our industry

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Who We Are

Grain Producers Australia (GPA) represents Australia's broadacre, grain, pulse and oilseed producers at the national level.

GPA was created to ensure grain producers had a national body with a representative producer focused structure. 

GPA fosters a strong, innovative, profitable, globally competitive and environmentally sustainable grains industry in Australia.

Advocacy and policy

Working through a comprehensive policy development framework process Grain Producers Australia develops well researched and responsible policy to protect and promote Australian grain producers.


Our members are the State Farming Organisations of Australia, as well as farmers who directly support the work of GPA via a production based levy.

GPA is a not-for-profit member-based organisation. We are here for you.

A great vision, a passion for change and all the right skills

GPA began with a group of people who dreamt of starting something completely new. We had a great vision, a passion for change and all the right skills. Together, we established Grain Producers Australia, a company dedicated to finding cutting-edge solutions and providing great services. To learn more, browse through our site or contact us directly.


Latest Annual Report

The Chairman’s 2024 Annual Report and the 2023/24 Audited Financial Statements. 

GPA fulfils its role as a national Representative Organisation (RO) for the grains industry in accordance with the Primary Industries and Energy Research Development Act 1989 (PIRD), and has key responsibilities under the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999 and the Primary Industries (Customs Charges) Act 1999. 

GPA is supported by Grain Levy Payers in Australia and through direct grower members and state affiliates.

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Download a copy of the 2024

Annual Report below

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