Grain producer groups have unified to oppose a flawed planning application which would diminish export capacity for the nation’s grain supply chain and wealth generation for rural communities and the national economy.
Grain Producers Australia and GrainGrowers have backed calls by the Victorian Farmers’ Federation Grains Council to reject the Planning Application submitted by the Hamilton Group, to build office space at the Geelong Port.
GPA Southern Director, Andrew Weidemann AM, said the alignment of the three grain producer groups sent the Victorian Government and Minister for Planning, Sonya Kilkenny MP, a firm message about blocking the application.
“Grain Producers Australia, GrainGrowers and the VFF have all united to urge the Victorian Government, to oppose this inappropriate development at the Geelong Port, which threatens grain exports,” he said.
“The organisations which collectively represent grain farmers across Australia are deeply concerned about the risks this development poses to crucial grain exports, and the impacts on key infrastructure that connects grain producers in Victoria and southern NSW to global export markets.
“The Australian grain industry is an economic powerhouse, underpinning local and national prosperity, with $22 billion in exports each year. Urban encroachment around ports poses a serious threat to the future of Australia’s grain exports and the sustainability of producers."