Grain Producers Australia welcomes a Federal Court ruling against a class action involving claims that glyphosate exposure had caused cancer.
GPA Interim Chief Executive Peter Arkle said the commonsense judgement by Justice Michael Lee acknowledged the importance of science-based evidence and existing regulation of the chemical that is widely relied upon by grain growers around the world.
“Glyphosate is a key tool for grain growers to produce grain for food and without it we would have minimal control options for weeds,” he said.
“Not being able to use glyphosate for its currently approved use would have a serious knock-on effect to food supplies globally.”
GPA Southern Region Director and Rupanyup grower in Victoria, Andrew Weidemann, said the decision reinforced the herbicide's safety for use in food production.

"Almost all farmers across Australia would be using glyphosate somewhere in their farming operation," he said.
NSWFarmers Grains Committee Chairman and Brocklesby grower, Justin Everitt, said growers take food security and chemical safety seriously when it comes to environmental and social impacts.
“Responsible chemical use and quality food production are at the core of what we do,” he said.
“There are decades of scientific data that back safe use of glyphosate in domestic and agricultural production settings and the commonsense outcome in the courts respected this context and regulation of chemicals in Australia.”
GPA Chair Barry Large and grower near Miling in Western Australia said glyphosate aided farmers to conduct their operations with sustainability and environmental integrity in mind.
“Grain growing operations are able to prevent soil erosion and reduce soil disturbance through no-till farming and grow in increasingly dry climates largely because glyphosate can be used to control weeds rather than other more invasive control methods,” he said.
“The court has ruled with the science and we welcome this sensible outcome.”
Further Information:
GPA Chair Barry Large: 0427 549 023
GPA Southern Region Director Andrew Weidemann: 0428 504 544