Qube Agri has joined forces with Grain Producers Australia (GPA) to help lift the bar even higher to improve safety standards across East Coast bulk grain receival sites.
Qube Agri is the second major bulk grain handler to sign-up and provide GPA Training’s online ‘Grain Site Delivery’ induction course free to growers and carriers, when delivering to bulk grain handling facilities in their networks.
NSW Farmer and GPA Northern Director, Matthew Madden, said the safety partnership between GPA and Qube Agri added even more momentum to help boost industry safety standards.
“The more bulk handlers that we have on board to deliver GPA Training’s ‘Grain Site Delivery’ induction course, the more we will drive a safety-first culture that drives positive change and ultimately protects growers and our industry,” he said.
“GPA is excited about working with Qube Agri to take this initiative to the next level, to improve industry safety standards and efficiencies, by using modern technology to provide a practical, seamless service to growers and grain carriers.”
Jeremy Brown, Regional Manager, Qube Agri said, “Safety is paramount in all our operations and we strongly endorse the need to have consistent driver inductions across the industry. The GPA course means that growers and carriers are aware and trained in the expected standards and we can all work together on improving grain industry safety standards. We look forward to the roll out of the course from this week.”
Mr Madden added GPA has established an industry-wide committee of growers and bulk grain handler representatives who will also be working together to design and implement agreed safety standards for grain site deliveries, with a focus on continuous improvement.
“We welcome the involvement of all bulk handlers in this process and others looking for a practical advantage and edge, to list safety standards across the Australian grains industry,” he said.
“With the support organisations such as Qube Agri, we believe this sends a strong signal to others – including governments – that GPA Training offers the best way forward to work together practically, proactively and efficiently, to improve safety standards across industry.”
GPA Southern Director and Victorian grain farmer, Andrew Weidemann, said safety was paramount, with a near record Australian grain crop expected this year, forecast up to 55 million tonnes.
He said grain deliveries will be higher than average this harvest, which was an opportune time to implement GPA Training’s induction course, to promote a safety-first attitude and reduce the risk of injuries or fatalities.
“We commend Qube Agri for recognising the importance of working with growers to back the digital GPA Training program in their business, as the industry’s solution,” he said.
“GPA Training is designed for growers, by growers and grains industry professionals, using modern technologies to enhance safety and create better efficiencies with grain site deliveries.”
Mr Weidemann said it takes growers about 15-20 minutes to sign-up and complete the free induction course online, which was a small-time investment to deliver significant safety gains.
“If you’re waiting around in line to deliver grain at a bulk handling site, put that time to good use and spend a few minutes doing the training course, to protect yourself and your business,” he said.
Growers and carriers must complete the training either before delivery or with a range of support options provided at site entry, including a QR Code, and receive a digital certificate upon completion.
