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GRAIN CENTRAL | GPA, Sporting Shooters in bioaware partnership

A NEW partnership is taking action to promote greater awareness, vigilance and understanding of the different farm biosecurity risks caused by the current ‘explosion’ in pest animals – especially pigs.

A serious escalation in pest animal numbers, and urgent need to prevent burgeoning crop damage, may lead to deliberate shortcuts being taken on property access rules and standards for the movement of people and vehicles.

These serious concerns are being addressed in a new campaign that’s taking positive action on biosecurity protections, with Grain Producers Australia (GPA) joining with the Sporting Shooters’Association of Australia (SSAA National).

The ‘Secure Our Farms – Hunt BioAware’ partnership is sharing and promoting important resources and communications to help boost community education and understanding about biosecurity preventions and the need to follow and adhere to farm property access rules and standards.

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